At the well attended AGM held on 2nd November It was agreed to suspend the operation of the campaign.
The present officers and committee felt unable to continue to run the campaign in the present difficult circumstances, and that it needed a new team to further the interest of all cyclists and in particular utility cycling in Cheltenham, Tewkesbury and Gloucestershire as a whole.
However, not enough people came forward to form a viable new campaign committee at the AGM.
There was a lot of support for the campaign continuing and thanks were expressed for all the work carried out over the last 40 years. It was agreed that occasional informal meetings would be arranged so that members could discuss current issues and ways to take these forward.
The new trustees agreed to support and mentor those who expressed an interest in forming a new committee. Borough councillors present at the AGM were keen to have our input to the new local plan. The trustees will explore how this can be carried out.
The retiring committee regretted that various channels of communication and networks had been closed off to them in recent years and recognised that new ways of working may be needed if progress is to be made.
The membership list of C&TCC will be maintained but members will not be asked to pay renewal fees during the coming year. People who pay by standing order should consider whether to cancel their mandate.
We hope that some information will continue to be published on the group’s website (though less frequently than hitherto) and the Facebook page will be maintained if a volunteer can be found to do this.
Members will be updated on developments from time to time.