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Moving Traffic Offences response

We have submitted a response to the Gloucestershire County Council consultation on using ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Cameras to enforce highway rules, such as banned turns or yellow box junctions. Councils were invited in May 2022 to apply for new powers, and Gloucestershire is now considering the

The five locations within this consultation have been pre-specified by the council based on a review of infringements and casualties. Three ANPR Cheltenham locations are included.

In our response, we have supported the measures, whilst providing some additional observations if benefits for cycling are to be realised. You can read our specific comments below;

Our feedback on the proposed enforcement locations

Alstone Lane ANPR Cheltenham

Preventing northbound motor vehicle movements helps protect cycle users climbing the gradient. We’ve suggested that, if works are being undertaken as part of installation, we would ask that physical ‘no parking’ measures also be implemented to ensure that the exit from the cycle bypass is not obstructed by parked vehicles.

Alstone Lane looking towards the level crossing and Rowanfield, where an ANPR Cheltenham camera locations
The prohibited right turn from Alston Lane with the cycle bypass, preventing a rat run when the Alstone level crossing is active.

Lower High Street ANPR Cheltenham

The lower high street is an important westbound travel corridor, and the presence of private motor vehicles significantly impacts on the safety for pedestrians and cycle users.

We noted that signage preventing vehicle movements has been missing from this location for several months, and although this has been recently rectified, there will need to be a refreshed range of measures to ensure drivers are aware. We also believe that physical measures should be used to close the access from Bennington Street onto the Lower High Street to further develop this area as a private motor vehicle free space.

Lower High Street at Boots Corner where an ANPR Cheltenham location is being proposed
Entrance to High Street, pictured on 5th October before signage prohibiting private motor vehicle movements was reinstated, an issue the campaign had been attempting to highlight for some months..

Parabola Road ANPR Cheltenham

The third ANPR Cheltenham location is in Montpellier.

We raised concerns that there was not a similar focus on protecting the crossing of the cycleway over Parabola Road. We would encourage a yellow box to also be installed in place of the ‘Keep Clear’, which is currently poorly observed, and which would passively benefit from greater awareness of compliance at the junction.

Ultimately, this junction does not meet current standards for a cycle crossing, and we suggest it is reviewed.

A view towards Lansdown Road from Parabola road where an ANPR Cheltenham is proposed.
Parabola Road where it crosses Lansdown Road, with the yellow box junction that is often traffic obstructed.

General Comments

The new powers also allow enforcement for vehicles moving within cycle lanes. We encouraged Gloucestershire County Council to consider an enforcement location on the northbound cycle only lane of Henrietta Street approaching the A4019. This vital connection heading out of Cheltenham is frequently blocked by parked vehicles, and would benefit from a more consistent enforcement approach than occasional officer visits, where vehicles usually disperse quickly. (It’s on our wish list)

The often obstructed Henrietta contraflow, which we believe merits camera enforcement or appropriate separation.